5 Tips For Making The Most Of Your Guest Room in Rolling Hills, CA

2021 08 03 Cooley Brothers Painting Rolling Hills Ca Guest Room Scaled

5 Tips For Making The Most Of Your Guest Room in Rolling Hills, CA

When you have a guest room and it’s not all that big, you might get to thinking that you won’t possibly have a remotely good guest room — but this is not at all the case.

Indeed, it’s entirely possible that you are going to be able to make a lovely guest room in which your guests would be more than happy to stay during their visit.

Let’s now look at five tips for making the most of your guest room in Rolling Hills, CA

1. Choosing Welcoming Colors

One thing that you should do when you’re looking to make the most of your guest bedroom is to choose colors that are going to be welcoming to your guest.

Though you may think that you’re going to want to make use of a bright color to pep up your guest, in reality the best colors to use for your guest room are going to be darker in nature to help them settle down at the end of a day and help them relax and get to sleep that much faster.

2. Furniture That Doubles As Storage

In terms of getting your guest room ready, you may think that the only way that your future guest is going to be able to keep anything is if there is a lot of space.

This does not have to be the case, however — you can make use of a smaller amount of space if you are smart with that space.

If, for example, you have furniture that doubles as storage, you’re going to be able to have your guest keep some of their things in that very storage — and not feel as though they are cramped in the room.

There are, for example, tables and ottoman chairs that also have storage built into them — with this kind of furniture even a smaller room becomes bigger.

3. Not Having Too Many Decorations

Another thing that’s going to make for a better guest room is to make sure that you do not have too many decorations going on in the room.

Though you might think that more decorations are going to be better in terms of your guest bedroom, this is not necessarily going to be the case.

Indeed in many cases having fewer things and a more minimalistic approach to the room makes for an overall better space for your guest — not having all those things as possible distractions as it were makes the room more relaxing.

4. Have Fun!

As strange as it may seem, one of the best things that you can do for your guest room to make it better for the intended guest is to try to make the room fun.

This doesn’t mean that the room should be nothing but fun, of course — it still has to have some practical purpose in helping your guest have a clean and good space to feel welcome during their visit.

Rather, if you can add any modicum of decoration that will liven up the space and make it a bit more amusing or fun, you should do so — perhaps even having books in the room that your guest will be able to read, or posters of fun movies.

5. Make It Restful

Lastly, you need to make sure that your guest room is as restful as possible — after all, one of the key functions of the guest room is that your guest is going to have a place where they can sleep at some point during the day.

This will be accomplished by having a comfortable bed and some good sheets and the like — and of course comfortable pillows.

You’ll also want to make sure that the temperature is appropriate.

Cooley Brothers Painting is a locally owned, owner-operated, family business in Torrance, California. Call the office at 310-378-4575 or email us: info@cooleybrothers.com. You can also use our contact page to reach us.

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