Painting Your Living Room Ceiling – Tips in Rolling Hills, CA

2022-03-26 Cooley Brothers Painting Rolling Hills CA Living Room Ceiling Tips

Painting Your Living Room Ceiling – Tips in Rolling Hills, CA.

You may be well aware of the fact that painting the walls of an interior room can and often will make the room look nicer, but how often do you think about the ceiling and how painting it will get it looking better.

The truth is that your ceiling is just like any other wall in your home and needs to get the occasional paintwork done to keep it looking good – and it helps if you know what you are doing when taking on this painting project.

With that being the case, let’s have a look at some tips for painting your living room ceiling in Rolling Hills, CA.


1. Remove Dust And Clean Properly First

One thing that you’re going to want to know when it comes to properly paint your living room ceiling is that you should get rid of any trace of dust and the like that may have accumulated on the surface over time.

By doing this, you’re going to be able to have a surface that will be optimal for the painting process, and you should know that skipping the cleaning is just going to make for a rather unpleasant looking ceiling – one that looks like you just took some paint and painted over a dirty ceiling, to be exact.

The best thing you can do is to fully clean the ceiling (even if it involves using wet techniques) and then allow the ceiling to fully dry before you move on to the next step in the process.

2. Protect The Floor

In painting your ceiling, you may well be quite careful in how you go about doing things – you may even make use of a paint that is specially made for painting ceilings.

Despite this, you are going to need to take measures to ensure that you don’t get paint on the floor – and one of the simplest ways that you will be able to do this is to put down a protective drop cloth or tarp on the floor.

The thing to bear in mind is that if you use something that is more heavyweight, it will be better in some ways because it won’t move around as you are walking and therefore won’t reveal parts of the floor to possible dripping paint.

3. It Can Be A Color That’s Not White

There are so many colors out there in the world of home interior painting and though some people think that you are limited to white when you are painting your ceiling, this is not at all the case.

Especially in a room such as the living room, you should branch out as it were and think about how colorful you can make the ceiling – and you don’t even necessarily have to limit yourself to just one color if you can make more than one colorwork.

Just do your best to make the ceiling look nice and your reward will be that you will have a really spectacular living room ceiling.

4. Use A Ladder To Get Up

Lastly, remember that you are basically going to have a couple of different options when it comes to painting your ceiling – either you are going to get up to the ceiling, or you are going to have to make your paintbrush or paint roller able to get up to the ceiling.

If you choose to get yourself up to the ceiling, you might want to use a sort of scaffolding system – but the truly best way that you will be able to get up to the ceiling will be by making use of a ladder.

A ladder will necessarily be more sturdy than any makeshift scaffolding system you can make, and it will be a lot easier to get around the room as you are trying to paint.

Cooley Brothers Painting is a locally owned, owner-operated, family business in Torrance, California. Call the office at 310-378-4575 or email us: You can also use our contact page to reach us.

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